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lastversion public API¤

You don't need to use lastversion as a command line tool or install it as a package to use it.

You can consume lastversion functionality through two API offerings:

  1. Free Public API at
  2. Production-Ready Commercial API on RapidAPI

1. Public API (Limited, Best for Small Usage)¤

Free API has Limited SLA and Rate Limits: It’s free, so heavier usage or production traffic may see performance or reliability constraints. For use in automated workflows, we highly recommend the commercial API below.

For casual or small usage scenarios, you can directly query this free public endpoint:<github-repo>

Make a GET request to the endpoint to get the latest version of the repository in JSON format.

To get only the version number, append ?version to the URL.


Note that API caches results for 2 hours.

For faster updates of your own project, please set up a webhook for your GitHub repo that points to:

Badges with the latest version¤

You can use the following badges in your project's to show the latest version of your project:

![Dynamic JSON Badge](

Just replace dvershinin and lastversion with your GitHub username and repository name.

The result will look like this:

Dynamic JSON Badge

Alternatively, head to dynamic page configurator:

  • Set URL to<your-github-user>/<your-github-repo>
  • Set query to version
  • Set label to Release or whatever you want, and set other settings as desired.

Click Execute to verify results and copy Markdown or desired format.

2. Production-Ready Commercial API on RapidAPI¤

Subscribe to the commercial API on RapidAPI for higher rate limits, guaranteed performance, or advanced features: lastversion API on RapidAPI

Users of the lastversion API on RapidAPI benefit from:

  • Higher rate limits and guaranteed performance
  • Flexible Endpoints: Fetch just the version, list of assets, or full release details via different routes.
  • Scalable Billing Plans: Start free, upgrade as your usage grows.
  • Stability for Production: guaranteed uptime and no 2-hour forced cache if you need fresh data.

Secure your requests with API Keys provided by RapidAPI.

  • Header Name: X-RapidAPI-Key
  • Required: Yes

📌 Endpoints

  • /version?project=project_id returns JSON with the version string, corresponding to the latest release
  • /source?project=project_id returns JSON with URL to download source tarball corresponding to the latest release
  • /assets?project=project_id returns JSON URLs corresponding to downloadable executable or other assets for the latest release
  • /release?project=project_id returns JSON with various information about the latest release with mandatory version field

The project_id can be a single identifier like linux or nginx or a GitHub repository name, or you can even supply a URL where a project is hosted.

📌 Text Endpoints

  • /text/version?project=project_id returns only text with the version string, corresponding to the latest release.
  • /text/source?project=project_id returns only text with the URL to download source tarball corresponding to the latest release
  • /text/assets?project=project_id returns only text with URLs corresponding to downloadable executable or other assets for the latest release

Example Requests:

Fetch NGINX Latest Version (GET):

curl -X GET "" \
     -H "X-RapidAPI-Key: YOUR_RAPIDAPI_KEY" \
     -H "X-RapidAPI-Host:"


  "version": "1.27.3",
  "type": "release",

If you want to get just the version, use the /text/version endpoint URL.

Fetch Linux Latest Version (GET) with Version Only:

curl -X GET "" \
     -H "X-RapidAPI-Key: YOUR_RAPIDAPI_KEY" \
     -H "X-RapidAPI-Host:"

Response: 6.12

Every endpoint supports major parameter, allowing you to answer questions like:

> What was the last 4.x Linux version?

curl -X GET "" \
     -H "X-RapidAPI-Key: YOUR_RAPIDAPI_KEY" \
     -H "X-RapidAPI-Host:"

Response: 4.20

Fetch the latest release data of WordPress:

curl -X GET "" \
     -H "X-RapidAPI-Key: YOUR_RAPIDAPI_KEY" \
     -H "X-RapidAPI-Host:"

Response will include version: field as well as a lot of other useful information about the latest release.

Fetch download URL of the latest WordPress:

curl -X GET "" \
     -H "X-RapidAPI-Key: YOUR_RAPIDAPI_KEY" \
     -H "X-RapidAPI-Host:"


The creative and useful application of this API is in fact unlimited, when you pair it with external tools like curl or wget.

For example, download the latest WordPress release:

wget $(curl -X GET "" -H "X-RapidAPI-Key: YOUR_RAPIDAPI_KEY" -H "X-RapidAPI-Host:")